Water reservoirs are a necessity for firefighting and they must be build, maintained and remain filled
It's absurd that we have to discuss this but we do. Elected officials must avoid any conflicts of interest in this matter and anyone caught stealing from taxpayers directly or through kickbacks should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Illegal immigration is just that, illegal. California is not its own country. California must abide by Federal immigration law. There are processes in place for legal immigration. Illegal immigrants must be handled and processed according to the guidelines set by federal law.
California cannot afford environmental virtue signaling. We cannot spend money that we do not have for frivolous non-essential infrastructure and services.
State spending needs deeps cuts in non-essential areas to work aggressively toward a balanced budget and a cash surplus.
Controlled burns and cleaning the forest floors are necessities. We cannot have more out of control wildfires.
If elected, Lord willing is is my goal to create a training program for volunteer firefighters in every neighborhood. The goal is to equip them with firehoses and safety training for connecting those hoses to fire hydrants, enabling firefighting to start immediately rather than being forced to wait for the fire department while a fire grows.
The Coastal Commission's job should be to make sure that chemical plants are not dumping chemical waste into the ocean.
It is not the responsibility to the Coastal Commission to declare that old electric power line poles cannot be replaced or buried underground because of a rare plant.
Humans come first. If there is going to be a Coastal Commission, the director of the Coastal Commission should be elected so that they can also be fired by voters when they make ridiculous decisions that endanger public health and safety.
California's high electricity prices cause any reasonable consumer to ask why California electricity prices are so high compared to other states. These high prices defy logic. Is there a monopoly on the market? Are unions driving up prices? Are politicians using electric companies as a means to get kickbacks? Is it a little of all of the above? I think an accounting audit is necessary to determine what is happening. Californians deserve the opportunity to purchase from different electricity providers who compete for customer dollars.
I'd like to have every person, organization and company involved with electricity distribution and generation in California audited, interviewed and investigated to answer and Lord willing, solve these many problems.
California is willfully and intentionally highly adversarial toward private gun ownership. Any narratives otherwise are lies.
Californians are Americans, and Americans have the right to private gun ownership.
10 round magazine limitations are not in the US Constitution. Not allowing pistol grips on rifles and other silly nonsense must stop.
Criminals do not obey gun laws. Making it difficult for private law abiding citizens to own, buy, trade, sell, gift firearms is a major conflict of interest for the personal safety of law abiding Californians.
Elected officials pocketing money through the fraudulent homeless industrial complex must stop immediately.
Drug addicted individuals must have compulsory treatment and reduction in personal freedoms for those who are a danger to themselves and others.
Drug use is illegal and should be treated like assault, theft, or any other crime in the context of legal action being taken if it is observed.
Public camping and makeshift homes in public places must stop immediately.
Whatever legal actions necessary must be taken in order to stop public drug use, public defecation on the streets, and other activities that interfere with taxpayers safe enjoyment of public places.
The fact that we have to discuss this shows how bad the problem is. Elections should be unquestionably accurate and truthful.
Counting and publication of results should be the same day. Voting should be same day in person. Those who are physically incapable of visiting a polling station can be visited in person by a poll volunteer, or a poll volunteer can meet them in the parking lot where they can vote from their car.
Only persons in the US who are legally that ate legally allowed to vote should be allowed to vote.
Showing an ID is mandatory.
Poll station reporting will be blind without each polling station knowing what other polling stations reported.
It is my intention to do everything possible to promote honest elections and if anyone is caught interfering with election results, it is my desire that they be prosecuted to the full extent of the law with guaranteed time in prison.
CARB should have an elected official who can also be fired by voters via elections.
CARB has gotten completely out of control with nonsensical prohibitions on internal combustion engines in year XXXX and requiring semi-trucks to be all electric by year XXXX and other nonsense.
People come first. We can use the environment without abusing it.
CARB is due for a deep audit and possible restructuring or total disbandment.
Public schools are for learning reading, writing, arithmetic, history, civics, sports, etc.
It is not the responsibility of schools to be parents to children.
it is not acceptable for public schools funded by taxpayer money to be teaching students anything that should be taught to them by their parents.
Schools are for academic learning, not for spiritual learning. Non-academic learning should be left to parents, legal guardians, adoptive parents, family members, etc.
I support school choice in California.
School choice is the free market economy of education.
The COVID era lockdowns in California were absolute nonsense. Ineffective government encroachment upon personal freedoms for law abiding citizens is 100% unacceptable.
Handcuffs are the best explanation for those who don't understand this or who refuse to comply.
Criminal prosecution in California is nowhere near where it needs to be, as evidenced by the fact that criminals are not afraid to commit heinous crimes in California.
Low penalties for criminals was tried and it shows horrible results on a daily basis.
State government should tend to state issues. It is not the responsibility of state government to be the doorway for all things. State government in California especially has grown far too big. Big government in addition to being obtrusive is also expensive. The California state government needs to be cut down to the bare essentials of handling actual big picture state concerns like safety, state highways, law enforcement, correctional facilities, etc.
California's appetite for state spending is like a gambler's appetite for gambling. It's insatiable.
California's spending problem is what leads to California's over-taxation problem.
Californians don't want their hard earned tax dollars spent on frivolous and unnecessary initiatives.
Californians want safe neighborhoods, good roads, and good schools. I believe that Californians are ready, willing and able to pay for these things. Californians are understandably not interested in their tax dollars lining the pockets of elected officials.
California cannot financially afford to not have a more friendly business climate. California is losing businesses and business owners due to heavy-handed and unnecessary policies that are misguided.
When California implements artificially high wages for workers, this results in the closures of businesses and the laying off of employees.
California is putting businesses out of business with ridiculous laws, regulations, red tape, taxation etc. and these practices are not in the best interests of California workers or California consumers.
California needs to let the free market reign when it comes to homeowner insurance. California is choking insurance companies out of business, leaving California homeowners without options to insure their home.
California's attempts to "protect" homeowners by making it difficult for insurance companies to raise their prices to reflect the risk that they are taking on by insuring homes is leaving insurance companies with no option but to leave California.
California has lots of water when we don't dump it into the ocean. Good water management means not dumping perfectly good fresh water back into the ocean when it could be stored in reservoirs.
Telling people that there is a water shortage when that shortage is artificial and man-made is lying. People are more important than smelt fish. There can be a balance between humans and wildlife and the pendulum in California is extremely to one direction when all things environmental can and should be more balanced.
It is my goal that convicted persons in California see themselves differently through work opportunities afforded them while incarcerated.
A personal sense of self-worth and pride in one's work is afforded through hard work.
Lord willing, it is my goal that incarcerated individuals work on behalf of the State of California in several areas.
One area is cleaning up weeds and debris on California Highways and state owned property.
I'd also like for inmates to start growing some of their own food.
I'd like for inmates to have specific jobs, with specific job titles at specific businesses waiting for them upon finishing their prison sentence, or making parole.
It is my goal that inmates will be given training opportunities to train for specific jobs and receive offers of employment and new job training while incarcerated.
I want correctional facilities to be correctional, and not only punitive in nature. This does not mean making incarceration a pleasant experience. It means making incarceration an actual learning experience to help reduce recidivism which is expensive to taxpayers.
To help reduce and prevent human trafficking and smuggling, I am interested in looking into the possibility of having passenger vehicle and tractor trailer / semi-truck scanners at California borders.
Texas has truck scanners in El Paso where they scan for human trafficking and other suspicious activity.
Privacy is paramount. If a vehicle passes and no suspicious activity is detected by the scanner, it is my goal that the scan of their vehicle will not be recorded. It is my goal that only vehicles that fail a scanning inspection will be recorded for legal purposes and for the purpose of evidence to aid in the prosecution of any illegal activity.
Legitimate motorists who are not involved with illegal activities should be able to pass easily through these checkpoints, similar to slowing down for a toll both.
Parents have a right to decide if their children are vaccinated, and what vaccines they want their children to have if any.
No government should have the right to make any child or adult get a vaccine.
We saw the dangers of government making health decisions for individuals during COVID and the COVID vaccines were and still are a disaster.
If adults age 18+ want to take a vaccine, they should be free to do so within reason. However, government forcing or attempting to force any individual, or parent of a child, or child to get a vaccine is a decision that should be made by individuals and individual parents, not by government.
I support the death penalty in California for murderers.
There are some crimes committed wherein there is no uncertainty as to who the perpetrator and victims are.
Regardless of whether or not the death penalty serves as a deterrent against murder, it is a fact that keeping someone alive on death row is extremely expensive.
Keeping death row inmates alive for decades is a disservice to taxpayers and a disservice to the families of these victims who have lost their loved ones to murderers.
Cop killers should be moved to the front of the line for our court systems for fast processing, lighting fast processing of their appeals, and fast employment of the death penalty upon convicted cop killers' appeal process being exhausted.
California should be an open carry state with no license or paperwork needed to open carry in California, regardless of whether or not a person is a California resident.
State gun registration in California seems like a method for which to confiscate the guns of law abiding citizens at some point in the future and I do not support it.
California also has absurd laws about the shapes of "assault weapon" stocks which are nonsense.
Concealed carry licenses should cost infinitely less and be faster to get for law abiding citizens.
It should also be much, much easier to import legitimate firearms into California by law abiding citizens.
Students graduating from public school should have a basic understanding of personal finance, interest rates, compounding interest, and time value of money.
No matter what career path a young person takes, they will benefit from understanding the basic concepts of how to calculate the actual cost of an item if they choose to purchase that item with a credit card.
Only real, healthy, non-ultraprocessed foods should be funded by California taxpayer dollars in California.
Young minds need the nutrients in foods that God gave us to eat and benefit from, not junk food. If students and parents of students want spend their own private money on junk food, that is their private money. California taxpayer dollars should not be used to fund junk food in schools.
Building permits for construction should be streamlined for faster approval.
If government is unwilling or incapable of processing building permits in a timely manner, licensed private sector vendors should be allowed to process and approve building permits.
The egregious practices of the unnecessarily long process of getting building permits in California approved has been especially apparent after the recent wildfires.
More policies to be added regularly Lord willing. Stay tuned. See a concern that you don't see addressed? Drop me an email in the contact form below. Thank you and God Bless! - Coby : )
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Total campaign donations received as of 3-9-25 is $20.
(The payment processing system will not allow transactions for less than $1.00. Apologies for any inconvenience.)
Please reach us at booking@cobymarcum.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Plainview, Texas
BA Psychology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX - Master of Science in Management, Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX - Master of National Security, The Institute of World Politics, Washington D.C. - Master of Cybersecurity & Information Management, The George Washington University, Washington D.C. - Master of Business Management (MBA) Pepperdine University, Malibu CA.
I am a construction contractor.
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